Whether you are an OEM or the end user, our test loop is available for your testing needs.
Vertical Test Loop
Size Capacity:
With flow capacities to 162,000 GPM, there are very few pump applications we cannot test. Our reservoir holds over 330,000 gallons of water, providing adequate supply of water while retaining laminar flow at the pump's suction.
All of our pipes, flanges, and instrumentation on both 24" and 42" vertical pump lines are rated to 150 PSI. All of our Rosemount pressure transmitters are annually calibrated. A four pressure tap ring manifold is used to ensure accuracy of discharge pressure readings.
Our Eaton 480v and 4160v variable speed drives are the work horses of our test loop. The 480v drive can power motors to 700 HP, while our 4160v drive can deliver power approaching 3000 HP.
Horizontal Test Loop
Currently our discharge manifold has 5 valves with a size range from 4” to 12” with a maximum rated pressure of 3,705psi through the 4” valve. We also have accommodations for custom lines giving us the ability to install a valve to match even the highest pressure pumps.
High-energy, multi or single stage pumps can be tested in our horizontal test loop. Capable of flows up to 27,000 GPM through a 30,000 gallon capacity pressurized suction tank. Temperature is moderated through automated cooling valves, exchanging water with the 330,000 gallon reservoir or municipal water.
Our lab motor inventory is ever growing, with power ranges from 150 - 1,500 HP vertical motors and 20 - 1,350 HP for our horizontal motors.
Our Eaton 480v and 4,160v variable speed drives are the work horses of our test loop, powering both the horizontal and vertical test loops up to 120Hz. The 480v drive can power motors to 700 HP, while our 4,160v drive can deliver power up to 2,500 HP.
Services Offered:
Multi-Point Performance Testing per ANS/HI 14.6
NPSHR Testing
Endurance Testing
Efficiency Testing using Calibrated Torque Transducers
Performed under 10 CFR 50 Appendix B QA Program
Variable Speed Testing
Witnessed Tests (On-site and Remote)
Custom Performance testing to customer specifications